PFAD e.V. is the association of foster and adoptive families in Germany. We are an organization in support of foster care and adoptive families. PFAD originated from an union of self-help organizations on federal state and local level in 1976. Our central office is in Berlin. The work of the voluntary board is supported by six part-time employees. PFAD has about 2.000 member families. There are local PFAD groups all over Germany and regional associations in most of the 16 federal states.
Our commitment is non-profit and non-governmental. The focus of our activities is always the well-being of the children involved. We stand up for their rights, according to our slogan: Because all children are our future!
PFAD is a professional association as well as a lobbyist. We provide expert contacts for families and professionals dealing with foster and adoptive children. At the same time we work on a political and professional level for the improvement of the conditions for the children and their foster, adoptive and birth parents.
We provide our members and subscribers with information by publishing the PFAD quarterly journal, brochures and papers on specific topics, a newsletter and via social media. We advise foster and adoptive families as well as professionals on their questions and issues and support the founding of new regional self-help groups. We also support research projects and offer special insurance for foster families.
We collect membership fees, receive project funding and solicit donations. We also receive financial support from the Federal Ministry for Family Affairs, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth.
The German Foster Care System
Ulrike Schulz, member of the PFAD national board, was invited to a congress of the Spanish foster family association ASEAF in Madrid in 2019. In her lecture she presented the German foster care system. We thank ASEAF for permission to use the video recording.